Shower in the bathhouse "Ala-archa"Помещение душевой в бане Ала-арча имеет размер в плане 2600 на 2600. В данной душевой комнате мы разместили 2 душевые кабины из стекла. Реше
Exterior lightingAla-archa gorge. Bishkek. Kyrgyzstan. Glued laminated timber complex. House and bath. #Баня #Дом #Алаарча #Освещение
View in the gorge "Ala-archa"View from our facility in the Ala-archa gorge. G. Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. From the house and the bathhouse through the panoramic windows you...
Steam room in the bathhouse "Ala-archa"The steam room in the bath is finished with a horizontal linden lath. Shelves from Abash. The heart of the steam room is the Tulikivi TK...
Sauna stove TulikiviBath "Ala-archa". Installed Finnish stove Tulikivi TK550. Furnace material - high-carbon steel, facing - talcomagnesite. The door is made...